Canoe Shelburne &

Dan Peacock Photography & Printing


336 Ohio Rd


Nova Scotia

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do then I ever imagined. The more I got out the more I wanted to, it has definitely become an addiction. In the fall of 2008 while looking at maps and planning future routes I questioned how many lakes are there in Shelburne County. I counted up and found there to be 125. So with that answer I am setting out to paddle all of them and to share my journey with all who are interested . If you would like  to see some of the most beautiful country in Nova Scotia drop me a email at the address below.                                 

I first came to Shelburne in the Fall of

1987. I fell in love with the area right away and knew that someday I would like to make it my home. It was not until the summer of 1999 that it finally happened. Over the years that followed I truly enjoyed living here. During the  summer of 2004 I built my first canoe and began to explore, I soon realized that  I have just scratched the surface and that there was much more to see and

Dan Peacock

Total visited 69

Dan Peacock